Uncle Sonny Chillingworth’s Slack Key #2

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

A couple of weeks ago I linked to some videos of Uncle Sonny Chillingworth performing and mentioned how much he has influenced me. One of his contributions to slack key was what he called the “Spanish bass” which takes a syncopated approach to a 4/4 rhythm. Sonny brought that innovation to slack key and it has become an integral part of the style.

One of the simpler tunes he composed with the Spanish bass is his Slack Key #2, which he recorded on his Dancing Cat CD, Endlessly.

I’ve been playing this tune for a few years now, since Lynn suggested I learn it. I usually play it with a lot of my own variations, but for this video I tried to stick pretty close to Sonny’s original.

This is a great tune for practicing the Spanish bass because it develops gradually with only slight changes from verse to verse, but it’s also a fun one to listen to, with the hypnotic repetition of the bass and treble speaking and answering.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012 at 11:52 pm and is filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

I have recorded a CD called Kaleponi, all solo acoustic slack key instrumentals, mostly traditional pieces, a few originals.


You an buy a copy of the CD or download the tracks at CD Baby.

If you prefer, you can download individual tracks or the whole album from iTunes as well.

The complete liner notes and back cover notes of Kaleponi are available here.